検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
件名:LCSH:Architecture,Modern -- 21stcentury
18 件中の 1-1012
1書影Architect : the Pritzker Prize laureates in their own words : hbk 中央図書館edited by Ruth Peltason and Grace Ong-YanThames & Hudson2010中央5階G洋大型 520||A 68
2書影Building with water : concepts, typology, design 中央図書館Zoe Ryan, [editor: Ria Stein]Birkhäuser2010中央5階G洋大型 518.8||R 93
3書影Continuum : Farrells 2001-2011 : work of the Hong Kong & London offices : from the chair to the far horizon, from regional planning to detail design : hardback 中央図書館 Laurence King2012中央5階G洋大型 520.87||C 86
4書影Jean Nouvel 1945 : giver of forms : pbk 中央図書館Philip JodidioTaschen2012中央5階洋 523.35||J 58
5書影Library architecture + design : hbk ( Masterpieces )中央図書館Manuela RothBraun2015中央5階洋 012||R 74
6書影Material design : informing architecture by materiality : hbk 中央図書館Thomas SchröpferBirkhäuser2011中央5階G洋大型 524.2||Sc 7
7書影Modern north : architecture on the frozen edge 中央図書館Julie DeckerPrinceton Architectural Press2010中央5階洋 523.07||D 52
8書影New architecture : an international atlas 中央図書館Francisco Asensio, [translation, Mark Holloway, Henry Sire, editor, Sheila Friedling]Abrams2007中央5階洋 520.87||A 91
9書影New Japan architecture : recent works by the world's leading architects 中央図書館Geeta Mehta and Deanna MacDonald, preface by Cesar Pelli, foreword by Fumihiko MakiTuttle2011中央5階G洋大型 520.87||Me 21
10書影The new modern house : redefining functionalism : hbk 中央図書館Jonathan Bell, Ellie StathakiLaurence King2010中央5階G洋大型 527||B 33
18 件中の 1-1012